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Central Valley High School

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CVHS Counseling Lesson Plans

We offer the following guaranteed curriculum to every student.  We have linked each of our presentations to the right. 


  • High school counselors introduce A-G and grad requirements, the main differences between middle and high school, GPA, CTE, etc. After, with the assistance of the high school and middle school counselors, students will create a 4 year academic plan. Their 4 year plan will be used the following week at their pre-registration appt with their high school counselor.


  • High School 101- How to be a successful learner, confirm that all students have access to Aeries, concurrent/dual enrollment, school resources, including GEAR-UP, ETS and Upward Bound. Refresher- A-G (classes and grades required), CTE (Pathways), the importance of GPA
  • Students will add their 4 year plan in Aeries. They will check to make sure they’re meeting grad, A-G requirements and completing a CTE pathway.
  • Career Exploration with and how to use other resources on our website (Career Center Technician)


  • Transcript Review (what went wrong and how to fix it, what went right) what type of post-secondary option will you have if you continue on the same path?
  • Stress management (how to find the right balance)


  • Junior Timeline, PSAT, SAT. ACT, test anxiety
  • Post-Secondary exploration (Counselors and Career Center Technician)
  • College Application and Financial Aid preview


  • FSA-ID
  • College/FAFSA applications
  • High school vs college, common pitfalls during the transition (Summer Melt)